Welcome to the blog site! This site will be a platform to share all things Social Work and my musings about running a business, being a Best Interests Assessor and perhaps the occasional thing about cats!
Firstly; Happy New Year and wishing you all much success, health, and happiness for 2022. I hope you all had a restful Christmas and an opportunity to catch up with loved ones whether in person or remotely.
New Year is a helpful time to set intentions and I’ve been setting those in my professional and personal life. I’m excited to see where this year takes us as a business.
It has been such a challenging couple of years but there are many positives to come out of it and for me, perhaps the most important has been the comradery and team spirit especially when working remotely. As working from home and the blended office-home pattern has become the new normal, little catch ups and checking in before talking about work is essential for me. It has also been lovely to get to know colleagues better and be introduced to home offices and pets! We introduced a new office companion in March this year, introducing Skye!
I am so grateful that we had a successful 2021, thank you to everyone who has supported us.
Best Wishes,
Katie (Founder)
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